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[학술행사] AQIS2023 (2023.8.28~9.1)

관리자 2023-04-18 조회수 1,244

고등과학원에서 23번째 AQIS가 개최됩니다.

□ 일자 : 2023.8.28.(월)~9.1(금)

□ 장소 : 고등과학원

□ 홈페이지 : http://aqis-conf.org/2023/

AQIS 2023에 많은 관심 부탁드리며,

발표 참여를 하실 분들은 초록 접수 마감 일시를 확인하시어 신청 바랍니다. 

(* 마감일 : 5월 23일) 


  • - Submission deadline: May 22, 2023
  • - Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2023
  • - Confirmation of attendance: June 30, 2023
  • - Final manuscript deadline: July 18, 2023
  • - Early registration deadline: Aug 1, 2023

(all until 23:59 anywhere on earth)


23rd Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS'23)



28 August to 1 September 2023, Seoul, Korea


Apologies if you receive this multiple times. Please forward to

interested colleagues.


We would like to draw your attention, and that to the quantum

information community, to the 23rd edition of the Asian Conference

on Quantum Information Science (AQIS'23).


AQIS is the leading conference in the subject in Asia and one of

the longest-running worldwide, its highly successful predecessors

having been EQIS'01-05 and AQIS'06-18. The topics covered include

(but are not limited to) quantum computing, quantum information

processing, quantum communication and cryptography, and

foundations of quantum mechanics.


Details about the conference are to be found on the website


Please check repeatedly as the information there will be updated



Like its previous editions, AQIS'23 will consist of tutorials,

invited talk, as well as oral and poster presentations, selected

by a high-profile international program committee.


The submission deadline is May 22, 2023 (23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE)).


All submissions should follow the guidelines specified on the website:



We are looking forward to seeing you in Seoul!


Program Committee Chairs:

      Mark M. Wilde (Cornell University, Chair)

      Seung-Woo Lee (Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Co-Chair)


Organizing Committee:

      Jaewan Kim (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Chair)

      Soojoon Lee (Kyung Hee University)

      Seung-Woo Lee (Korea Institute of Science and Technology)


Organized by Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) and Quantum Information Society of Korea (QisK)