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[Qiskit Algorithms] Qiskit으로 코딩하기 Season2_Ep 4 VQE

관리자 2021-06-09 조회수 541

[Qiskit Algorithms] Programming on Quantum computers 

the Varirational Quantum Eigensolver - Coding with Qiskit

◇ Getting Started : https://ibm.biz/qiskit-github

◇ Need help? : https://ibm.co/joinqiskitslack

◇ 화학 반응 시뮬레이션, VQE : hybrid 알고리즘, 양자 부분은 에너지 계산 고전 부분은 variational parameter 최적화,

Ansatz : an educated guess of the wave function

Mapping : the process of encoding the ansatz into the qubits of a QC

◈ https://github.com/neel-chatterjee/quantum-computing-tutorials/blob/main/VQE_Qiskit.ipynb